Children & Family Ministries
MCC Youth and Family Fall Events
Sept 14 - MCC Canoe Paddle
Sept 15 - First day of faith formation (K-6th grade)
HS Breakfast at Panera with Pastor Jen & Lisa
Sept 21 - MCC Outdoor Movie Night
Sept 28 - MCC Family Apple Farm Visit
Oct 4-6 - Called to be Advocates HS Retreat at Pine Lake Camp
Oct 6 - MS Progressive Lunch on State Street, after church (6th-8th)
Oct 20 - Women in the Bible with Waffle Bar (8th-12th grade)
Oct 26 - Halloween Harvest Festival 11:30-2:30pm
Nov 3 & 4 - MS/HS Triangle Ministry Meal Service Project
Nov 10 - HS Breakfast at Panera with the Pastors
Nov 16 - Parents’ Night Out
Dec 8 - HS Breakfast at Panera and skit planning
Dec 14/15: Youth-led Service Rehearsal and Worship
*Older youth events in Bold.
You are welcome at MCC!
This fall brings opportunities for food, faith, and fun for all ages.
Children and Family Ministry News
Our weekly faith Formation begins on Sunday, September 15 at 9:00-10:00am (K-6th) and provides a uniquely engaging, experiential way to learn more about God, the bible, and how to live out our faith. We play games, sing, create, pray, tell stories, and snack together in a welcoming learning community. More information on our new monthly play-based Birth-4K class is coming soon! Please email with questions or if you’d like to help out. Caregivers and new families are welcome anytime! Register here.
MCC Outdoor Movie Night (9/21): Bring a sleeping bag and enjoy a movie under the stars at MCC with popcorn and snacks. Bring a friend to this fun event! HS youth invited to help out.
Apple Farm Visit (9/28): Let’s check out Sutter Ridge Apple Orchard for delicious apple picking and treats, fun games on the hill, cute animals, and a wagon ride to the corn maze. All families (and friends) are welcome! Sign up here.
Halloween Harvest Fest (10/26): Come for all or part of this festive afternoon of fall food and fun! We’ll have a Trunk or Treat (costumes encouraged), community potluck, music, Three Sisters Garden demonstrations, games, and more! Open to the community!
Middle School
MS (and HS) Progressive Lunch (6th-12th grade): After church, we’ll make our way down State Street with at least three different stops to eat lunch (appetizer, entree, and dessert), all kids’ choice. Sign up here.
Confirmation classes will continue for our 7th-8th grade students. Please contact Pastor Jen or Pastor Nick if you would like to learn more.
High School Youth programming is gearing up again at MCC! Youth and volunteer leaders have planned a great mix of events – a combination of just for fun, service projects, and faith formation.
HS Breakfast at Panera with the pastors: Breakfast is on us! Meet at Panera on Junction Rd at 9-10 on 9/15, 11/10, 12/8 (+skit prep).

Parish Protection Program
We believe that church should be a safe place for all children to be and experience the love of God. For this reason, we uphold a Parish Protection Program to ensure that all adults who volunteer with children and youth are vetted and trained in safe practices in teaching and leading young people.