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MCC Announcements

The MCC consists of two vibrant congregations with many shared ministries.

An email is sent every Thursday with the latest on what's happening in and around the MCC.

To submit an announcement, please click below.

The deadline for submitting is Wednesday at noon.

Submit an Announcement

Worship This Sunday

In Advent

The year of the Lord’s favor?! Can Jesus mean it, even if that’s not what we’re feeling these days? Worship will be shaped by ELW setting 10, along with markers for Martin Luther King day and campus ministry Sunday. Online participants should have bread and/or wine or grape juice ready for communion.

Livestream link
Liturgy link
Reading sheet
Hymn sheet


Sermon Talk-back

Nick has heard occasional requests for some talk-back time after worship to reflect on the sermon. You’re welcome to join some discussion again this Sunday. We’ll gather back in the Blessing Room for just a few minutes of what’s on your mind. Watch for other opportunities.


In Community of Hope

In these days, as we try to make our way through what may feel like smoke and ashes, it is good to hear again words of belonging, of inclusion, a reminder of our baptism. We belong. We are beloved. Join us as Petra Streiff reminds us again of these important truths. 

Livestream link

Celebrate Harvest of Hope Conclusion - This Sunday

The Harvest of Hope Fund is coming to the end. We'll celebrate the Fund with cake following worship services on Sunday, Jan. 19. The Fund has helped small and medium-sized Wisconsin farmers that have been struggling financially for the past 39 years.


Education Hour - 9am 


Adult Ed

Sunday at 9:00, we’ll look ahead at our proposed MCC budget for 2025 and learn about some of the projects that are planned to cost us some extra money.


Faith Formation

B-4K in Middleton Preschool - We'll hear the story of the lost sheep and learn about how much God loves us. Plus fun games and a special snack!

K-6th grade - We'll learn about Dr Martin Luther King Jr and share​ a couple of stories from Jesus. How can we follow Jesus' example to support inclusion and social justice as children and as a church in our community?

Adult Ed Follow-up

Some resources connected to the first Tools for Resilience session led by Avis Elson last Sunday:
Richard Rohr video
Sit meditation video
Centering prayer groups in Madison
Center for Action and Contemplation daily meditations
Group meditation circle at MCC - every Wednesday at 4pm


Announcements of the Community 


Annual Meetings & Reports

Please note that the annual meetings for Advent Lutheran, Community of Hope UCC, and the Madison Christian Community will be held after worship on Sunday, January 26.

To access the Combined Annual Report, please click here. Some copies of the annual reports are available in the Shalom Room, but we mainly encourage you to access them digitally. If you need a copy mailed to you, please contact Kaisa in the office.


Help Prepare Annual Meeting Lunch

Lunch will be available between worship and the annual meetings, and we're looking for help to prepare and provide desserts. 

There are three options for helping:
Come at 8 AM: to make sandwiches, prepare vegetable and fruit trays, arrange desserts, set up serving tables
Provide cookies or bars for dessert
Help with clean-up

Volunteers are encouraged to contact Kristi Williams or call 608-839-4758. Work begins at 8 AM on Jan. 26. Kristi will purchase and bring sandwich ingredients, fruit, vegetables, and food for kids. 


Leviticus Bible Study 

We had a great time and a Jubilee. Next, how does God's holiness relate to pigs, eagles, weasles, eels, and ostriches? Remaining sessions are  7:00-8:15pm on Wednesdays, Jan. 29, Feb. 12 & 26.

Souper Bowl Sunday

Sunday, February 9, MCC youth may revive the tradition of Souper Bowl Sunday at MCC by making tasty soups that folks can enjoy after worship that day. Free will donations for the meal will go to a local charity of their choosing.
MCC Youth/Families: respond to this
Doodle Poll to indicate: your willingness to participate; role(s) preference (cooking, clean up, etc.) and an organization to which you'd like funds to go.


Community Organizing Training: The Basics

In November, Pastor Jen participated in a community organizing training, facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Dietra Wise Baker.  The training included the core basics of community organizing-- understanding how to build power with others to produce social change. It was such a clear and powerful training that Pastor Jen has taken Dr. Wise Baker up on the offer to provide the training to MCC!
This 3-part training will take place on
Mon., Jan 27, 6-7pm - Power
Mon., Feb. 24,  6-7pm - Self-Interest
Mon., March 31, 6-7pm - One on Ones
This training is open to all in the MCC and is at no cost to participants. Please email Pastor Jen to let her know you'd like to attend one or multiple sessions. 
Rev. Dr. Dietra Wise Baker is the Assistant Professor of Community Leadership at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, and she is a certified anti-racism trainer as well as a trainer of faith-based community organizing.


Trans Community Meal Volunteer Opportunities

The Trans Community Meal has settled into regular monthly gatherings (including tonight) with a core group of people.  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church has joined in supporting this ministry with volunteers and food.
If you are interested in helping, here is a link to a google doc to sign up. Trans Community Meal Volunteer Interest. The opportunities are: providing parts of a meal, providing transportation, hosting, set up and clean up.  Set up and hosting arrive at 5 pm, guests start arriving a little before 6, clean up starts between 7-7:30 and is done by 8-8:30.  If you have any questions, contact Sarah Canon at


Perspire Men's Group

This group of 40-something men (we have guys in their 30s and some pushing 60), gathers once a month for breakfast and also holds other social and spiritual events throughout the year. It's open to anyone in the MCC roughly within that age range who is interested. For more information, contact Dan Streit  (608-692-7264) or Scott Bauer (608-658-7131).


Need Help with Plant Watering

Nancy Greenwald is retiring from her faithful post as indoor plant waterer and care taker. The plants which beautify our sanctuaries and Shalom Room need new tender(s)! If you are interested in helping keep our indoor plants alive and thriving, please contact Pastor Jen. Nancy has expressed a willingness to help train the new and willing volunteer/s.


Youth Events

Support our youth by connecting to events where they’re participating—concerts, games, and more. (Feel free to share events you know about!)Martha Wildman offers: Memorial High School Theater Company's production of Something Rotten! will have performances February 7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th at 7pm, and an additional performance at 2pm on the 8th. Tickets are $15 for adults, $5 for Memorial students, and $18 for premium seats. They can be bought at or at the door (unless sold out).


Holy Land Trip

Finally with some hopeful news coming out about a ceasefire, perhaps you’re ready to think more about travel to the Holy Land this autumn with Pastor Nick. We’ll explore biblical sites, and also learn more of what has fueled the decades-long feud. October 22-November 3, from $4460, including flights, accommodations, and most meals. Click here for a full brochure with more details and chance to pre-register (no downpayment needed).


Thanks from the Triangle Community Ministry

On behalf of the Triangle residents and the Triangle Community Ministry (TCM) board and staff, thank you for your generous collection of personal care items for the Triangle Christmas party on Dec. 16. More than 90 residents enjoyed a meal of roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, salads and Christmas cookies. Because of your generosity, TCM staff will have personal care items to distribute during the winter months. We also appreciated the help of several MCC volunteers who helped serve appetizers and who distributed items in the gift room. Your support of TCM’s important ministry to the underserved population of the Triangle is deeply appreciated. 
Blessings to all, 
Deacon Meg Nielsen, Monday Meal Coordinator, TCM

Thank you from MAJM

The Madison Area Jail Ministry extends a hearty thank you to partner congregations and each person in those congregations who took time to write a note to express that your thoughts and prayers are with our justice involved siblings this Christmas season. Please click here to see the full letter from Chaplains Todd & Laura.



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