Advent Welcomes You
All are welcome in this community. Even if you have not always received welcome, know that Advent Lutheran Church welcomes you. Be known as you are, have your story heard, and join in receiving God’s blessing and doing God’s work together.
Throughout history, humans have sinfully sown division — us versus them — causing harm. Advent Lutheran Church acknowledges that the Church has been, and still is, part of the harm. This is not the way of God, who created all and whose love embraces all of our differences.
Following Jesus, who commanded his followers, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” and as a Reconciling in Christ congregation and a sanctuary site, Advent Lutheran Church works toward expanding inclusivity. This congregation welcomes people of every race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, political affiliation, immigration status, criminal history, economic and social status, mental and physical ability. A community is richer when we embrace all the ways God created us.
Called and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Advent Lutheran Church serves as a sanctuary congregation. This church commits to racial equity, LGBTQIA rights, environmental justice, and the rights and dignity of all.
Advent Lutheran Church hopes for feedback on ways we can do better, especially regarding emotional safety. If you have suggestions or experiences to share, you may do this in whichever way is best for you.